This was a shot at the tail end of the hurricane. The patients that were "stuck" in the hospital during the storm had just been flown out while the wind was still blowing and quite gusty. A few animals are seen out of their environment.
A ship, loose from its moorings drifts back and forth in bovine bay until it is secured. Note the water levels dropping a pinch.
Well, I am sorry for doing a double cliff hanger sorta deal, but I will get some recent shots up in the next blog. Today I put hasps and locks on the back door and garage door because all of the swollen wood doesn't allow the doors to close. The 6a-6p curfew is in effect for the next while. The water is to be boiled until further notice (i.e. no drinking, pets drinking, teethbrushing, and only very careful showering with it). The natch gas is not only off to the island, you cannot get it turned on unless you have a licensed plumber do a pressure test on your system and give the permitted test in to the city for the gas to be turned on. The main power poles have been cleared but all of the ones down the alleyways still have to be cleared (a cherry tree, rubber tree and some others are on the lines near me in the alleyway). Also, if your place was flooded with any significance, they are going to replace the electric meters before they reconnect your house. All of Tiki Island (900ish) fits that bill, and many on Galveston too (like mine).
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