Thursday, September 18, 2008

Harketh, do I see the light? -or- Was that a shot I heard ring out?

Tonight, I snuck around to show one of the medical staffers currently present some of Galveston and we noticed something. I'll show you in a bit.
First, at about 2pm today there was a shot that rang out on Harborside. Did someone drop something big? Nope. Turns out that somehow in trying to get the electricity to UTMB, some lines were energized but fortunately the breakers on the lines activated, stopping the lines that are low and touching things or on the ground or that a linesman is holding from energizing. Unfortunately, storm recovery occasionally is marred by the injury or death of power linesman. I wish them all well (my travels took me by some from Georgia) and thank you for working hard to re-energize the island.

Several power company trucks from Georgia working late on the power lines. Note the streetlights.

Chili's and other buildings are illuminated.

A closer image.

What are all of the lit dots? The left 3 red ones are red lights in front of Walgreens and the right one is the moonrise.

The stoplights and streetlights are energized on 6th.

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