Friday, September 19, 2008

Let me apologize first...

I am sorry to spoil this with a negative blog but I really have to take a minute to blast Dolph Tillotson and his material ways. Today he wrote about how "Officials' actions are undermining the public's trust." He went on to speak about the Look and Leave program and that the idea was good (I can agree that people want to get back to normalcy ASAP) and the last minute execution of it was bad (I can agree also having seen the chaos, looting and injuries it caused). He even listed a few ways of doing it orderly in a piecemeal fashion (I appreciate the positive) by "geographic region of the city, or by alphabetical order." He further goes on to say he prefers by license plate because that would "allow police to inspect the cars and trucks without examining each individual's credentials." I am going to skip over the obvious of freeloaders coming on the island to loot because only "the car" lives on Galveston. Stop being obsessed with stuff. I am sorry if everybody feels like they will be better "if they will just see their stuff." That only leads to wanting to fix everything and staying. And eating, using power (there is none), using toilets (no water, no sewer), and getting gas (from less gas stations). I hate to say it, but the true misery if you follow this path has not begun. The government (federal) is still inspecting and pulling down houses from Katrina. They have not even started here. We are safe, stay that way. Bad sanitation will kill people.
If the weather predictions had not gone out, not only more would be dead but then you would be screaming why you (the general public) didn’t get warned. The predictions were on target. The island for a period was almost totally submerged. Staying was ridiculous (don't even get me started of what should happen to the parents who kept any children on the island during the storm), and returning en masse, even if over a week is dangerous.
This brings me to another article in today's paper. There is another opinion piece on "Islanders who stayed are an inspiration." Are we all nuts? Are we going to televise the naked guys running on the football field now? Stuff or no stuff, get off. You were (for the most part) properly warned. There were several reports of calls for help during the storm. No one except for superman can do anything during the storm. Just because some people are hard headed does not mean that they should put others in harm's way. In this country our ethic is to rescue. People choose to be military pilots who will fly in 70 mph winds (Coast Guard and Army were present here). You were warned, why do you get to risk a life because now you see how dangerous things are? In this game there are "no backsies."
Thank you for reading. Remember that where ever you are, don't be sad, you are not alone. Despite the arguments, we will be made whole again.

A storm so bad it washed out the end of the seawall

After the same storm, kittens survived it.

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